The Chamber of Bulk Oil Distributors is commiserating with the Chairman of Hask Oil Company ltd. Joseph K. Horgle following the passing of his wife Mrs. Mary Abla Adogo Horgle. A CBOD delegation visited the Horgle family to pay their respects last Friday. The delegation including Juwel Energy Limited Marketing & Business Development Manager Joshua Larbi and some staff of CBOD was led by the Board Chairman & CEO of Cirrus Energy Ivy Apea Owusu and the CBOD CEO Senyo Hosi last.
Senyo Hosi told Mr. Horgle that the team, upon hearing of the sad news decided to come and sympathize with Mr. Horgle and the entire family over their loss. Mrs. Apea Owusu also expressed “Yaako” [condolences] to the bereaved family.
Mr. Horgle thanked the delegation from CBOD and announced the funeral of his late wife is scheduled for the 14th of December 2019 at Savi near Akatsi in the Volta region.